Saturday, June 11, 2011

why oh why

why oh why.
i'm lacking of emotion.seriously.
no obsession
no curiosity
no hormonal imbalance (lacking!)
rarely excited
no hobbies (sadly)

lacking of these,means i'm normal person la kan?
u r normal if u have feeling/emotion!!!
and i am not!
summorre its been a year since my last period!!! lacking of hormone here ppl..pls messed up with me!
LOL.yalah..slalunye kan org kate,hey im having hormonal imbalance..dun messed up with me..kannnn..aku tbalik la.kannnn...wtffffff.ya ampunn..psychonyerrr budak niii!!

jeles lahhh tgk org2 yg ade minat..tangkap gamba la contohnye..they can spend hours to catch these amazing pic...amazing kann..ak xde plak prasaan camtu weyhhh T___T

contoh len,si rerempit..walopun salah,tp at least dorg ade minat kan..ade smgt kobar2 alam nak racing..meluap2 darah tu nak tunjuk terrer..walopun salah tp tu kan perasaan..kan...kannnnn..

stresskan tgk gamba2 yg bcawat camni  pun ade bleh prasaan nak racing..monyet2 ni apetah lagiii...
huwaaaa jelesnyee hakooooo!! T____T

yg smgt kobar2 tgk bola tu,siap bakor sane sini,at least ade prasaan obsess tu...smpai kalo menang tu,pusing satu negare usung bendera..siap hon2..siap jerit2..heaven kan feeling tu

gambo budak ni mmg sngaje bg besa..gile comel..nak gigitttttt pliss...yg sbelah cium mulut  tu aku maafkan..yelahh..smgt tgh membare2 least smgt tu ade...kannnnn

hmmmm..benanah otak aku pk masalah emosi nih..

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